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We are going to make a simple clock.
So far we have focused on commands. With the randomness example, we asked for a random value. With the HTTP example, we asked for info from a server. That pattern does not really work for a clock. In this case, we want to sit around and hear about clock ticks whenever they happen. This is where subscriptions come in.
The code is not too crazy here, so I am going to include it in full. After you read through, we will come back to normal words that explain it in more depth.
import Html exposing (Html)
import Html.App as App
import Svg exposing (..)
import Svg.Attributes exposing (..)
import Time exposing (Time, second)
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
type alias Model = Time
init : (Model, Cmd Msg)
init =
(0, Cmd.none)
type Msg
= Tick Time
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
case msg of
Tick newTime ->
(newTime, Cmd.none)
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
Time.every second Tick
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
angle =
turns (Time.inMinutes model)
handX =
toString (50 + 40 * cos angle)
handY =
toString (50 + 40 * sin angle)
svg [ viewBox "0 0 100 100", width "300px" ]
[ circle [ cx "50", cy "50", r "45", fill "#0B79CE" ] []
, line [ x1 "50", y1 "50", x2 handX, y2 handY, stroke "#023963" ] []
There is nothing new in the MODEL
sections. Same old stuff. The view
function is kind of interesting. Instead of using HTML, we use the Svg
library to draw some shapes. It works just like HTML though. You provide a list of attributes and a list of children for every node.
The important thing comes in SUBSCRIPTIONS
section. The subscriptions
function takes in the model, and instead of returning Sub.none
like in the examples we have seen so far, it gives back a real life subscription! In this case Time.every
Time.every : Time -> (Time -> msg) -> Sub msg
The first argument is a time interval. We chose to get ticks every second. The second argument is a function that turns the current time into a message for the update
function. We are tagging times with Tick
so the time 1458863979862 would become Tick 1458863979862
That is all there is to setting up a subscription! These messages will be fed to your update
function whenever they become available.
- Add a button to pause the clock, turning the
subscription off.- Make the clock look nicer. Add an hour and minute hand. Etc.