
In the last few sections, we learned how to create reusable views. Whenever you start seeing a pattern in your view code, you can break it out into a helper function. But so far, we have just been growing our files longer and longer. At some point this gets out of control though, we do not want to have 2000 line files!

So Elm has modules to help you grow your codebase in a nice way. On the most basic level, modules let you break your code into multiple files. Like everything else in Elm, you should only reach for a fancier tool when you feel you need it. So if you have a 400 line file and notice that a bunch of code is all related to showing radio buttons in a certain way, it may be a good idea to move all the relevant functions and types into their own module.

Before we get into the nuances of using modules appropriately, let’s learn how to use them at all!

Defining Modules

Every module starts with a module declaration. So if I wanted to define my own version of the Maybe module, I might start with something like this:

module Optional exposing (..)

type Optional a = Some a | None

isNone : Optional a -> Bool
isNone optional =
  case optional of
    Some _ ->

    None ->

The new thing here is that first line. You can read it as “This module is named Optional and it exposes everything to people who use the module.”

Exposing everything is fine for prototyping and exploration, but a serious project will want to make the exposed values explicit, like this:

module Optional exposing ( Optional(..), isNone )

Read this as “This module is named Optional and it exposes the Optional type, the Some and None constructors, and the isNone function to people who use the module.” Now there is no reason to list everything that is defined, so later we will see how this can be used to hide implementation details.

Note: If you forget to add a module declaration, Elm will use this one instead:

module Main exposing (..)

This makes things easier for beginners working in just one file. They should not be confronted with the module system on their first day!

Using Modules

Okay, we have our Optional module, but how do we use it? We can create import declarations at the top of files that describe which modules are needed. So if we wanted to make the “No shoes, no shirt, no service” policy explicit in code, we could write this:

import Optional

noService : Optional.Optional a -> Optional.Optional a -> Bool
noService shoes shirt =
  Optional.isNone shoes && Optional.isNone shirt

The import Optional line means you can use anything exposed by the module as long as you put Optional. before it. So in the noService function, you see Optional.Optional and Optional.isNone. These are called qualified names. Which isNone is it? The one from the Optional module! It says it right there in the code.

Generally, it is best to always use qualified names. In a project with twenty imports, it is extremely helpful to be able to quickly see where a value comes from.

That said, there are a few ways to customize an import that can come in handy.


You can use the as keyword to provide a shorter name. To stick with the Optional module, we could abbreviate it to just Opt like this:

import Optional as Opt

noService : Opt.Optional a -> Opt.Optional a -> Bool
noService shoes shirt =
  Opt.isNone shoes && Opt.isNone shirt

Now we can refer to Opt.Option and Opt.isNone. It is kind of nice in this case, but this feature is best used on very long module names. Cases like this:

import Facebook.News.Story as Story

It would be annoying to type out the whole module name every time we need a function from it, so we shorten it to a name that is clear and helpful.


You can also use the exposing keyword to bring in the contents of the module without a qualifier. You will sometimes see things like this:

import Optional exposing (Optional)

noService : Optional a -> Optional a -> Bool
noService shoes shirt =
  Optional.isNone shoes && Optional.isNone shirt

This way you can refer to the Optional type directly, but still need to say Optional.isNone and Optional.None for everything else exposed by the module.

This exposing keyword works just like it does in module declarations. If you want to expose everything you use exposing (..). If you want to expose everything explicitly, you would say exposing ( Optional(..), isNone ).

Mixing Both

It is possible to use as and exposing together. You could write:

import Optional as Opt exposing (Optional)

noService : Optional a -> Optional a -> Bool
noService shoes shirt =
  Opt.isNone shoes && Opt.isNone shirt

No matter how you choose to import a module, you will only be able to refer to types and values that the module has made publicly available. You may get to see only one function from a module that has twenty. That is up to the author of the module!

Building Projects with Multiple Modules

We know what the Elm code looks like now, but how do we get elm-make to recognize our modules?

Every Elm project has an elm-package.json file at its root. It will look something like this:

    "version": "1.0.0",
    "summary": "helpful summary of your project, less than 80 characters",
    "repository": "",
    "license": "BSD3",
    "source-directories": [
    "exposed-modules": [],
    "dependencies": {
        "elm-lang/core": "4.0.2 <= v < 5.0.0",
        "elm-lang/html": "1.1.0 <= v < 2.0.0"
    "elm-version": "0.17.0 <= v < 0.18.0"

There are two important parts for us:

  • "source-directories" — This is a list of all the directories that elm-make will search through to find modules. Saying import Optional means elm-make will search for src/Optional.elm and benchmarks/src/Optional.elm. Notice that the name of the module needs to match the name of the file exactly.

  • "dependencies" — This lists all the community packages you depend on. Saying import Optional means elm-make will also search the elm-lang/core and elm-lang/html packages for modules named Optional.

Typically, you will say "source-directories": [ "src" ] and have your project set up like this:


And when you want to compile your Main.elm file, you say:

cd my-project
elm-make src/Main.elm

With this setup, elm-make will know exactly where to find the Optional module.

Note: If you want fancier directory structure for your Elm code, you can use module names like Facebook.Feed.Story. That module would need to live in a file at Facebook/Feed/Story.elm so that the file name matches the module name.

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